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发布日期:2024-02-29 07:18    点击次数:128

kaiyun.com 梅花早放 东湖梅俏











Citizens and tourists in the East Lake listening to the Tao scenic area of Xiaomeiling happy group photo

Yangtze River Daily News (reporter Li Wenjie correspondent Wang Zan Zhao Li) On February 14, the fifth day of the New Year, Yangtze River Daily reporter visited and found that the Spring Festival East Lake scenic area set off a boom of plum Tours. Plum Garden in the East Lake, Xiaomeiling in the East Lake Listening Tao Scenic Spot and other places are in full bloom, bright and touching, and the spring scenery attracts tourists to take photos and clock in. Enjoying plum blossoms with their families has become a choice for many Wuhan people.

Xiaomeiling in the East Lake Listening Tao Scenic spot has convenient transportation, and as a plum garden at the doorstep of the public, it is loved by tourists. Stepping into the small plum Ridge, as if into the poetry of the world. Pink like clouds, white like snow, red like fire, each with a delicate and moving posture dancing in the branches. Tourists with bright smiles and bright clothes took photos with the plum blossoms in front of the festive photo frame.

"Listening to Tao Scenic Area has received nearly 120,000 tourists in the four days of the Spring Festival holiday. In order to provide tourists with a better experience, Listening to Tao Scenic Area has made full preparations." According to the relevant person in charge of the East Lake Tao Scenic spot, the scenic spot not only strengthened the daily maintenance and management of the plum blossom, but also specially set up a punch card area to facilitate tourists to take photos and freeze the beautiful moment. "This is not only a display of natural beauty, but also a cultural inheritance and exchange." Here, people feel the tenacity and purity of plum blossom, and people are full of expectations for spring."

In the East Lake plum Garden, Jiang plum, Moshan early red plum blossom, white, red, pink, shy answer bright and moving, in the "plum Ying Qin Yun" "dream Lake boat" "snow sea incense" and other new attractions, take photos, smell the fragrance, slowly play, sketch tourists everywhere.

"The plum blossom has contained many cultural connotations since ancient times. It is very meaningful to learn knowledge while appreciating the plum." The family of Ms. Liu, who came to admire the plum for three generations, stopped to enjoy poetry and calligraphy in the "Plum Academy" in the Chinese Plum Culture Museum in the East Lake Plum Garden.

"Every Spring Festival, we will come to the plum garden to enjoy the plum blossom, my grandparents love plum blossom, I also like it." "Said the little tourist Pippa. Her mother, Ms. Liu, told reporters: "It has always been a tradition to appreciate plum blossoms during the Spring Festival. Plum blossoms are connected with the temperament of the city where we live. I think children should be allowed to appreciate the spirit of plum."

Jiang Runqing, senior engineer of China Plum Blossom Research Center, said: "At present, the garden of plum blossom varieties open 15%-20%, the temperature rises during the Spring Festival, the plum blossom will be opened faster in recent days, after the Lantern Festival, the better, into the best viewing period." The plum blossom is valued in the artistic conception, which is set against the traditional Chinese garden landscape added this year, and the playability is stronger."

要点词汇 梅岭 Meiling ; Moei Lim 长江日报 Changjiang Daily ; Yangtze River Daily 通信员 (press) correspondent ; reporter ; courier 踏访 make an on-the-spot visit or investigation 表象区 scenic spot ; beauty spot 梅园 Plum Garden 满园春色 The garden is full of the vigour of springtime ; a garden full of the beauty of spring ; like a garden covered with bloom ; the beauties of spring occupy every place in the garden 打卡 clock in ; punch the clock 娇艳 delicate and charming ; tender and beautiful 枝端 on the branch


It allows people to feel | the resilience and nobility (of plum) blossoms, and [also] fills people with expectations [for spring]."


* allows 为谓语,采取一般当今时。动词华用第三东谈主称单数体式。

* to feel 为不定式,偏真贵补足语(或称复合宾语)。

* the 起头为宾语从句,洽商词 that 被概略。

* blossoms 为谓语,采取一般当今时。动词华用第三东谈主称单数体式。

* fills 为谓语,采取一般当今时。动词华用第三东谈主称单数体式。

* the 为定冠词。



fill...with... 用...填满..., 使...充满...


allow [ә'lau] vt. 1) 允许,准许 2) 给以

people ['pi:pl] n. 1) 东谈主,东谈主们,内行 2) 国民,东谈主民,臣民,寰球

feel [fi:l] vt. 1) 以为,感到,体会到 2) (通过触觉)提防到,表示到,嗅觉到

resilience [ri'ziliәns] n. 1) 快速复原的才智;稳健力 2) 还原才智;弹力

and [ænd] conj. 1) 和, 与, 同, 并 2) 然后,接着

nobility [nәu'biliti] n. 1) 贵族 2) 昂贵的品性

plum [plʌm] n. 1) 李子;梅子 2) 紫红色

blossom ['blɔsәm] vi. 1) (树或灌木)着花 2) 变得愈加健康(或自信、顺利)

also ['ɔ:lsәu] ad. 况兼;此外;也;相似

expectation [,ekspek'teiʃәn] n. 1) 盼望,指望 2) 期待,预测

spring [spriŋ] n. 1) 春天 2) 弹簧


Ms. Liu, <her mother>kaiyun.com, told reporters,
